Skin Metro Black and Metro Color for DMM CVS mod
incredibly fast
Incredibly small (less than 300k compressed)
Incredibly small (less than 300k compressed)
Manual Install Metro Color CVS : Download
Manual Install Metro Black CVS : Download
!!! Fix skin.xml for metro black !!! : Download
Unpack, copy all folders in the same directory and reboot
good joobs...please for GIGABLUE SE :)
Non è possibile metterla sulla nemesis 2.6 ?
RispondiEliminaSorry my Friend but the Link
for the Fix skin.xml does not Work
Errot Massage:
This page cannot be found...
Please can you Check it ?
Ok link up
RispondiEliminathx friend
RispondiEliminaThx mmark but right now Mediafire has trouble
Massage there:
"Don't worry! Your data is safe and secure. Our website is having a problem or we're down for some quick maintenance. Our crack-team of media engineers is working hard to get us back up and running.
Check back soon!"
I will try it later again
i've seen, if it takes a long time i move on on another server
RispondiEliminaCiao Mark posseggo un decoder con installata: Enigma 2. (nemesis 2.6).
RispondiEliminaE' compatibile questo bel lavoro ?
Grazie per la risposta
Interesserebbe anche me
Eliminaragazzi le porto in cvs perche ogni team interessato possa organizzarsi per creare la propria variante, lo svantaggio della nemesis (che non e' uno svantaggio ma un pregio) e' che la loro skin e' molto grande e ha un numero impressionante di pannelli proprietati, praticamente un'altra skin nella skin e questo aspetto e' poco pratico per poterci adattare un lavoro, bisognerebbe lavorare solo su quella.
Eliminaok, grazie mille !
EliminaGrazie 1000 Mark,
Eliminasperiamo qualcuno lo faccia perchè sembra davvero un'ottima skin. Io dal blu panel ne ho scaricate diverse tue.
RispondiEliminaNow all is OK and the Skin ( the Black one ) Work´s very well
at my DM 8000.
Thx for your effort,but honestly? i don´t like the Handy/Win8 Style
so i prefer always the good "Old" eins Skin,but again thx it´s good to
see that People like you do still the Hard Work,to make a Skin,for us Users thumbs up
test the new fix, the colors of the infobar have been revised and now 'more orderly
EliminaI Test the it and indeed the Colors are much better now
only the the red indicator progresses on the Infobar is
not the best choice i can´t see the Time thru the Red Color
I prefer the skin mega HD (zwei on de), but even this has its advantages, it's very fast and very small, perfect for decoders with low memory and a dated :-)
RispondiEliminaon my 800hd finally a skin fast :-)
EliminaFor my small Boxes,800-800se, i use FlashExpander
so Flash Memory Probs are relicts from the Past
non funziona su gibablue quad + :(
RispondiEliminathis is only for dmm cvs base
Eliminaciao mmark
RispondiEliminaho scaricato MetroBlack CVS copiato tutto riavviato ma mi resta sempre in blu
image dream-elite
MetroBlack CVS
RispondiEliminarisolto intallato da panel Grazie :-)