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sabato 12 novembre 2016

XcPlugin Mod MultiServer by m43c0 & mmark

FIX XC-Mod by m43c0 and mmark

multiserver with green button switch

For insert User Account :

edit the xckey_nameserver.xml 
in the var/keys/xcplugin folder

martedì 8 novembre 2016

UPDATE HiRes TrueColor Picons by mmark 07-11-2016

 New Set of Sky Picons

HiRes 417x250 


create new Picons using the master mmark Black Picons

For Resize Picons

venerdì 30 settembre 2016

OpenDreamy v1.1 1920x1080 FHD

Minor Fix

Add Support for openLD Image

Add Support for openRSI Image

30/09/2016 FIX MediaPlayer Crash

One Skin More Images

This skin is a unique project that supports many images of different teams can be customized with the logo of the various teams.

Reported bugs, missing panels, incomplete or incorrect panels, reported pli-based images to be included in the supported images.

Actual Support

Egami - ItalySat - Atemio4you - HDMU(*) - PKT(*)
OpenATV - OpenPli - OpenVix - OpenMips - OpenRSI
OpenNFR - OpenHDF - OpenDroid - OpenESI - OpenLD

Note for HDMU Images

The HDMU team, previleges reading its owners panels, directly, than detect them by the current skin. To display panels by opendreamy, you must delete or rename the file:

/skin/skin.xml and skinfhd.xml

30/09/2016   FIX HDMU Center/Info System Crash

Note for PKT  Images

The owner panel of the PKT image, don't support the resolution 1920x1080
To properly display panels on FullHD, you must use this FIX.
The Fix don't change any original function of the panel, but makes it compatible with the skin fullhd.